Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Closing Christmas

As you may know, I struggled with Christmas a bit this year. But as it all comes to an end, I have spent some time reflecting and realize that there were some very beautiful moments that have made it all worth it. Let me share a few.

The Sunday before Christmas: All of my meetings were canceled so I decided to go to choir practice and join in singing with the ward choir. There were no fabulous arrangements or amazing solos. It was just nice. As a participant, I felt peace in singing praises to my Lord and King. After church, we stayed in our Sunday best and gathered in front of the Christmas tree for pictures. It was just another precious moment as I realized how my children are growing up. They are amazing, don't you think!

The Monday before Christmas: My ever thoughtful husband invited a sweet widow in our ward to join us for Family Home Evening. She had expressed to him that she knew a dramatic Christmas reading but hadn't had a chance to perform it. So, of course, Nathan told her that our family would love to hear her reading. She came for dinner, then put on her shawl and performed a moving and emotional portrayal of Mary as she found out there was no room at the inn. We sang songs together and the children performed their talents for her. It was another beautiful moment for me.

Christmas Eve: We decided to change our traditions a little bit and join our friends, the Stegelmeier's, on Christmas Eve instead of Christmas morning. We all went to an assisted living center in Ogden and sang Christmas songs to the patients there. We even took along the pipe chimes and played for them as well. I'm having a hard to find words to describe my feelings about this moment. Many of the people were very touched by our visit. My heart swelled within me and I had to choke back the tears as I watched their faces soften, the corners of their mouths turn up, and a hand reach to brush away a tear. Definitely a highlight of the season.

Each of these three experiences occurred as I forgot myself and did something for someone else. Each experience filled my heart with love and reminded me of my Savior and His love for us all. I will try to remember this secret to Christmas success for next year.


  1. suzanne- you have a beautiful family... i don't think i've ever seen any of them except your cute husband and jayne!
    hope you are having a wonderful birthday!!!

  2. Happy Birthday! You have been in my thoughts all day! Its sounds like your family has had a great holiday! Love you all!

  3. Aunt Sue!!! I'm so glad you found me!!! I've been missing you all so much. I found Haley on Hope you had a great Birthday! Love you so much!

  4. Sue, I'm so jealous you got to go skiing. I haven't learned yet, but it looks so fun. It has been so cold, so we haven't got out too much. Today it is about 5 degrees! I wish it would snow so it would be a little warmer. I hope you can talk Aunt Sally into getting a blog too. It is so fun to get to talk to you! Miss you tons. Hope all is well. Love you bunches!
