Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thank You, Lindsay

We spent Thanksgiving weekend with family in Vernal. It was great to see the ones we love so much. Lindsay showed me her blog and I was inspired to actually move forward with this. This seems to be a theme for me lately. Often, when I don't know what to do or I am out of my comfort zone, I do nothing. What I really need to do is move forward anyway. Taking that step into the dark can be a scary thing. But what I forget is that taking steps moves me closer to where I want to be. I get nowhere when I do nothing. Wow!! That sounds overly simple. Why do I struggle with some of the most basic lessons? It's a matter of faith. I have learned from experience that moving forward even in uncertainty always leads me somewhere. Then as I travel that uncertain path, I soon find that I am once again in the light and my path is being fine-tuned somehow. I come to forks in the road and by moving forward, I find out which fork is best for me. Sometimes I learn this lesson by chosing the wrong fork. But I still learn and I still move forward. So, I move forward in this new age of BLOG. I step forward into the dark and already, I feel that I am on the right path.


  1. You are poetic and inspiring...I can't wait to see what you do with your blog:)

  2. I'm so glad that you decided to blog! I'll feel like I get a larger Suzanne dose than I usually do! Hooray for blogging!!

  3. I am happy to see you have this blogging thing figured out! You can blog as much as you want...I won't stop you! I love seeing the pictures of your family so make sure to add lots of those. It was great to see all of your family in Vernal. I can't believe how grown up all your kids are getting! We can be nerts partners ANYTIME! Love you!
